

Friday, July 23, 2004

        Drama drama drama. Well, that would be the understatement if the century as to what has happened all in one day on that  " faithful " 20 July. Tempers flared, tables kicked, pencil cases thrown and of course without a doubt, enemies made. No battle of the sexes tonight, rather just a plain recap on how shit can happen to you on any day. It started with this violent football frenzy at the back of the class. Simply put, you get rammed. By a paper ball. naturally, Keithwas like J F Kennedy getting assasinated like nobodys business. In fact, it was like a chen shui bian kinda hatred. But this zero fighter did not heed lesson number 4. He had to fight back. So what happen? our lil beginning Genesis exchanged blows with keith. Little blows. And its like you have a situation on one hand like that. and then you have the bitches talking among themselves enjoying the show. So my dear friend xin zhan, the principle man i call, gave them a piece of his mind. And bitches being bitches, actually tried the traditional hokkien style of " Setlle one on one la! " which was to me at that point quite hilarious. But anyway, it couldn get worst. I thought as they quarrelled face to face, separation between the two would be nice. Nope. She flung a pencil case which of course nnearly hit him. Nice, how feminine. It all boils down to one thing. The paper ball. I mean look at how much shit paper caused in one day? And you though it was over. Boreography was next with Mr Mark kicking off the lesson with a lil bit of kicking. Pissed off at the noisy enironment , he just whaks e table so hard, that it moves so far, that we just shut the fuck up.  Heres my point, if all just shut up, take it in and just mind ur own business, tat would be peace. I din mention wat i was doing throughout all e drama din i? I was laying with e paper ball with two of my fresn while evryone was practically shouting at each other. Its eay people,  Learn this. Look away and mind ur business. Finally, Mr Mark said omething that really hit me. I mean it should hit everone. But anyway, wat he said was, accept punishemnt when desreved.In a way, Life just like that. You choose the path u take, and eventualy if its e wrong path, you would know. What i m trying to say is tat watever choice u mae, u should always fathom e consequences. Its like a few friends of mine who actually regret being gangsters but its a route they took and they should have expected the day to be caught. They are now on trial with a sentence yet to be passed. Yet in a way, wrong or right path, you learn. As bad the influence of gangsterism may be, it did teach them maturity, responsibility, and of course loyalty. Curse me if u might, but this might not have been a bad route for em. People, listen to me. Just think before u fuck up. But then again, Shit happens. Enjoy

7/23/2004 12:30:00 AM

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

As you can see,  my blogs not really completely done so pleae bear with it. It seems llike i have the same template as another guy that i know which is totally embarassing and irritating, will probably have to change it again. Went jamming today. Had lots fo fun and realised the so many talents my friends had that were hidden in them. En tried in as vocalist today and i must say he did a rather decent job. Apart from being too emotional, he did pretty well. So people, its been days since i last input  my entries and i must say nothing has really created an impact on me to tell you about. Well, maybe just one. Ever ran towards a pole knowing the pole is there? Subconsciously, i do it over and over again. I mean when there is no hope for a certain someone or something, we tend to be stubborn and still wait for a miracle. Eventually, hurt is inflicted and of course, greatly suffered. Lesson number 5 people: accept the facts. See ya back at 1100

7/20/2004 05:48:00 PM

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

INSOMNIA - Having friends is all about giving and taking. So thats why i decide to just take it all in. After all, i have another three months to my release from this pathetic cell. I think i have a few people making fun of a few things i did and a feew people that i thought were frens being a little over the surfboard today. Anyway, you aren't who u think you are, and neither are your friends.But guys, you dont want trouble right dont you? So lesson number 4, tolerate . In fact a skill im trying to master that seems to take forever is just to shut the **** up so you wont have tight asses and faggots or elites crawling u to you. If you dont want people to say anything about you, dont say anything about people. Ya right, you wish. Its a just a world of pranksters , posers, and mostly FUCKERS. So people, tolerate whatever shit you take everyday adn just wait fer you release cos in no time it'll be all over. Trust me people. Dun explode and take a knife going round stabbing people. Bad joke but its golden advice. Had school today of course. A schedule of boring classes , nothing much besides that.going offf now, have a test tomorrow. Patience people. Ciao

7/14/2004 07:11:00 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Ever felt like you were on the top ? Like you could just breeze through without a worry ?Its funny how a person like me can actually feel that way. Now thats what i call being at ease. People, alot of things are redundant in life that you just dun realise. Things that are materialistic, that you think you need but you actually dont. Its all about making things right. Make the decision people. Its for the benefit of the future. You dun really need women. For me, i just need the dough. The $$. Enjoy

7/13/2004 10:16:00 PM

Certain things take place for a certain reason. In fact behind every thing, there must be a reason to it or for it to happen. People so casually get into relationships without thinking why. I asked myself the same question when i recently nearly got together with this very nice girl from Naval Base. I know its not love i feel, again its just an infatuation, another feeling. But putting that aside, i asked why do i need to get attached? and i couldn find an answer. Seriously people, do you know why you need to be attached at this stage of your life? Why do you need a lover? In fact i questioned marriage and i guess ill find out only when i really fall in love. Till then, all these relations and couples coming together during teenage years is, but just a fluke to me.Yet again, another worthless feeling. I dont like to repeat but it just so obvious that these dreamers think they are in love when they are not. Its surprising that its only 3 months away from my major exams that i realise what is more important. My title says it all for todays entry. Is all the time, The feelings and the energy worth? Is it worth something that definitely wont last and of course isn based on true human feelings? All in the years of our youth are meant to be fun. They say cherish your childhood. I do agree, but do not waste it or hope to haste it. Relationships are redundant, unless you can tell me why you need to be attached? You might say that you love her and all the mushy crap of lovelines from different movies or serials, but does it say it all? No. To me, it should boil down to one main factor. Physical needs are stronger than those within the mental needs. I dont know women. They have strong demand for explanation as they might need that sense of security but men? WE just give what the women want and we make sure that this thing goes on long enough for us to ensure that the women eventually give what we want.Its not wrong, Its man. It might not start or end with the bed,but contact is unavoidable at most times. This , all this has pondered in my mind for so long. But yet, to no avail. I cant find an answer to all this puppy love and relationships and the needs to be involved in one. The real needs. Do you? Be back later when Insomnia lights up. See ya people

7/13/2004 06:21:00 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2004

are so overrated. Seriously people, maybe you should cut down on some. Sometimes, you cannot figure out why these people can be so fucked up at times they just screw themselves loose anytime they want. These so called buddies of mine are overrated , so i say just dont try to be a kind soul. In this realistic side of the world, good deeds arent rewarded all the time, so i learn not to be expecting it . The best way is to only respond when they call or when they ask certain questions. If not, i will not approach these lunatics . And strictly no favours. All are selfish because everynoe yearns to be heard. ut there is the starnge lot that that just behave like niangs and behave like fuck instead of talking bout it. So thats their business. Just be yourself i mean theres no need to be doing things for people that arent worth it. I have another friend who is another similar case. He always thinks that he does things so well but in actual fact there are thousands waiting to critic him. Yet, he does not go low. He still refuses to barge down, in fact, he gets worst.In a way, he is clever as well. He has so many reactions that peple just "forgive" when he is full of emotion. Be it anger or sadness. This way, he'll never be harmed. So its like if he does well in a certan something, he can talk bout it the whole day. What can you say? these people are just full of themselves. In short, This are the egoists. Welcome to the real world people, there are no friends. None

7/10/2004 12:43:00 AM

are probably the most lethal weapon on the face of the earth. Most of us men fall prey to these species so very easily. And its not surprising that at most times you may get sandwiched between two different ones. It may not be because they are in demand of you, but it might be more of who you would desire more. Infatuations of such might not matter, but many yearn the experience of a growing youth.I have been recently brought down by these matters its simply unbelievable to me. It was two years ago since i had fallen prey. Naturally, it feels all awkward. Anyway,Back to women. Its simply stunning what their tongue wagging can do for them. I simply do not understand how these girls actually get along so well in front of everyone else and yet speak ill of them behind peoples back.I mean, in a way, These people are the experts. The ELITES. Women, be it friendships or relationships, They sometimes can make us do things we never imagined we would do. Their tears, their expressions and most importantly, their tongue wagging, it seriously gets you to the extreme. No shit people, they are seriosuly the STRONGER SEX. so whats the advice this time round? Dont go soft guys, please dont. Just be minding your own business and do not go soft on girls that are so obviously not worth it.

Its surprising how people can be stupid and yet noble at certain times. Recently had a friend who has a serious problem and all his friends around us are starting to complain cos noone wants to tell him about his mistakes.And im thinking "ok, ill go talk to him" Its not easy man. So what did i eventually do/ i said all the insulting things our friends said right to him. So now he thinks im against him. Noble? maybe. Stupid? definitely. Its just funny how people can go so undecided and fuck up everything at the end of the day. It just boils down to the same old story, by just minding your own business.Trust me on this. Got to go guys . Have an early game tomorrow . Reflect people. Enjoy

7/10/2004 12:43:00 AM

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

is such a crazy thing. Last night , late at night of course i was chatting with a close friend of mine about the emotions we have at times. Love, which we do not believe has an existence among us youths was either termed as pupp love or just a crazy infatuation. after reading his blog last night, i realised how such strong infatuations can be equally strong as hatred. I dont know the script people but it seems as if my poor friend here is just out of love. sorry, i mean out of infatuation. A failed crush i suppose. Relating to this, its so ironic how friendships can come into the picture at such ease .

Its a fucking disgust when one of these faggots just bootlick as and when they please. Its like he fucking knows the whole world better than anyone else. all was great until faggot had to show . I know him well enough. But you just always have to act as if he is always right acting like you know him better, right in front of my face? If he was i, would you do the same? i would jump off twin towers straight away if you would. Its just so fuckin typical that a basketcase like you would just act like what he does is right. He kicks the leg and you fucking tell me that thats the way he is. Show some sense and reveal some intellect please. By doing all this, you make him worst , NOT BETTER.

Love, be it for friends or the infatuations we might have on a person actually reveal how we really feel. Pardon me for my over expressiveness but its just such a simple description on how messed up most people can be. To reiterate my point, This blog shit is just a page where i display my displeasure and my views on certain aspects. Its not a gallery for any soul to comment or judge me. Prison was great today despite hearing the fact that a few of my close friends actually got caught by the police for gang involvement. Other than that, nothing special today. This anonymous friend of mine, revealed to me how strong one can feel and at the same time can hate in his blog entry that very night. It also tells how shutting up might be the best way out of trouble. At least i learned this today. And believe me, do not go around being concerned for the unworthy . At most times, i just start to learn to do things only for myself. It works that way. It seems as if im contradicting, like im asking you to create and live in your own world. But people, dont get me wrong. i just want to bring one piece of advice to all there is today. Mind your own business, and only your OWN. Hypocrisy people. Ciao

7/07/2004 11:12:00 PM

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Its funny how most people say things without thinking through what it might really mean. On a day to day basis, there are at least 15 couples i see eveyrday, one third of which are to my acquaintance. However it is ironic to hear them telling me how much they are in love and how he or she would never leave the other party. I mean, Love . Do these people know what they are talking about? Or is it just a pure desire of getting the girl to fulfill sexual desires of man? I mean like i said, the environment is incredible. In most cases, how not to be hypocritical? They say one thing and mean another.What im trying to say is that many today are still materialistic and continue to live in their world. there are so many of them in my life. Many people, act think and speak in the way they think is mature. Everyone wants to be the idol, the mature cool guy. But i could bet my last dollar that none of them actually has a clue to their future. Its official, be it guys or girls, we are actually just 16 year olds who know shit about turmoil or the so called hard life. Tuesday, 5th July, what a day in school. i actually realised detention was great, the time that i presumed to be oh so boring during detention had maximised its actual potential as i completed the needed assignments to be handed in in the coming days of "prison". Thats all for now. Will be back when Insomnia starts up at about 11.Enjoy people

7/06/2004 07:03:00 PM

I must say i am getting addicted to this blog shit. Must be because i have lots to say. I wil be getting my ugly blog done up soon with the help of a friend of mine (+Amen+). So, it should turn out much better by next week. As for my entries, its as good as it gets. So hope for nothing more. Lessons were a a complete bore today. Todays prison schedule was like punishment before class, punishment during class, and punishment after class. And on the last two occasions did i be most unfortunate to have it encountered with our Discpline master, SAM. I forgot to hand in his assignments which ended up with me standing outside for the whole two periods of his outstanding accounts lesson. No red carpet exit, but i certainly felt like Italy walking out of Euro. It was like a long fuck time ago that i got kicked out for misbehaving so there you have it. My first exit of the season. And just when u think its all over... He rounded off detention clas by passing sarcastic remarks that were directly rooted to me. So what the hell, screw the educators. Take it from me man, the last people to trust are these hypocritical "elites".
People will always be People. I mean adults like them, become so predictable at the end of the day there is no reason to feel surprised most of the time. Many, even adults feel that they take control of their lives, that the environment the society is suited to them. They feel that they control what they see. But what is factual? They too live in a world of their own. Everyone believes and talks the way they feel life should be. Thats why these people are so fucked up and messed up in life and thus end up nowhere. My suggestion? If ur 16, ur 16. Dont try to be someone you cant be. Too many, Life, is their perception. Thats it. I say get out of Singapore. But thats me. Off to sleep now. Idle . Reflect . Bottoms up people. Enjoy

7/06/2004 12:00:00 PM

Monday, July 05, 2004

Starting out with my first entry. Honesty first, i thought this blog shit was all so gay and a complete disposal of minutes. Its not that bad i realise. I mean when you've got shit to say , you just type, you dont have to say it out and thats where it is all so comfortable. Many question my use of nickname( inversed ). Not to get all emotional and all but its at most times that i wished many things in my life were just the inversed manner. As to insomnia, for some reason, i just cannot get to sleep on most days. Its about 1104 right now. At this point, lifes such a bore i mean im a few hours away from serving my sentence in that old school with one of the best hypocrites u can find : faggots, bitches you name it. At my tender age of 16 i would like to say it is already a dog eat dog world here in my prison. People just stab you the moment they turn their backs, route to survival? take it from me, just trust nobody.Like i said, its a dog eat dog world. Just fend for yourself and ur pals that are REALLY worth it. Friendships and Relationships right now at our age, are vain and unrealistic. But then again, some actually do last. And for fucking long! Forgive me of my use of e most expressive word in vocabulary today on the first entry. Too much for a first entry i suppose. Theres more shit to come. Its getting late, i gotta run to my homework. Peace out people, Enjoy

7/05/2004 10:56:00 PM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
