Monday, April 30, 2007
This Day
Sometimes the days are tough.
Sometimes the days are easy.
Sometimes i dont care.
Sometimes i have no control.
But today i know it may be tough
Yet i know it may be easy
But still i dont care.
Even if i have control.
I know im waiting.
I know you're there.
That i do care.
That i must be aware.
Hence i'd wait.
i'd wait.
and i'd wait.
And it still wouldn baffle me.
Such is the beauty of this day.
Which ever makes all thus gay.
Maybe its you.
Maybe its me.
But i know im in love
with this day.
-sweet escapes-
4/30/2007 05:56:00 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The good or badI seem to have been here before
saying something similar
But never had i felt this raw
to something that just got simpler
I saw someone who took my breath
A girl who walked with so much brace
and even when i knew she'd take that path
I just could not talk to that pretty face
Then the time came when a chance arose
Good or bad i still dont know
But yet to know her was what i chose
Good or bad i still don't know
A little hot tempered
A little loud
But definitely not too pampered
Nor a little too wild
Shes made my day
With her being her
I dont know how to say
Its just all so clear
But I was that foolish boy
who thought all was gone
That very boy
who seemed forever down
But now that boy
has got this girl
Good or bad
he finally knows
Yet all is now back into shape
so she may be his sweet escape.
I'd wait. And i'd wait. And it'd still wouldn baffle me.
4/29/2007 12:56:00 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
-sweet escapes-
There are many things that i would say, so much more that i might probably do to give it some sort of meaning or action.
There isn't much on the other hand that i could do in a split second or a day.
Yet there is so little to help suggest what i feel or what i wish to do.
Only time could suggest such notions.
If an endless hole was present, it'd be used to describe how im feeling for i truly do not know how deep this can go.
I'd show it to you everyday.
I'd irregardlessly ignore the passage of time, and wait.
4/28/2007 05:04:00 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
Dont make em teach you. Let em.We are all a common people. There is no jurisdiction to how we should live or who we should be; At least that is what it should be. Unfortunately, we are dealt with what is rather than whats not. Many of us feel a need to do things in a certain way that is different. Some of us feel that we need to do things textbook, routine, something we call protocol.
If we just believe that there is something out there as well as something in us, then we allow that heart to shine, you'd be surprised how a small light could light up the darkest of tunnels. The people that have lived life or so thought they have, say that they are realists. Some, extremists with no explanation through any course of speech or word to exemplify their beliefs but rather through actions. We have idealists that go on about an idea and extend on that. Yet there is nothing wrong in any of the three because time is seized. The day is seized. Carpe diem occurs.
I say this because some of you, like myself, are escapists. We refuse to let ourselves shine as children do. We choose to take things as they were never there hoping that one day it will go away. We have ideals, we have extreme beliefs, we have realisms stemmed right in our heads through situations,limitations, family and expectations but all of that has been closed on one eye left to rot on the 9/10 of the brain that we dont use.
We choose to forget what we can do. We choose to forsake biting the bullet. We choose to run, to constantly run, in a tunnel without lights.Its done with trying to impress a few people or that one girl or how a few people say you are someone of a certain calibre and leaves you just on cloud nine for nine minutes because its who you are at thend of the day that counts. What you've done, what you've accomplished, not what you're capable of doing or what could have been. Nothings concrete till its up there. We are all trapped in this facade, this phase of life thats blinding whats in front. I'm 19 this year. Very soon, im going to get myself graduated and to National Service which again to me is the jurisdiction of who i should be. That aside, is that an excuse? That im 19 and i should live life while i can? TO ONLY Club my nights, smoke my nights, party my nights, work my ass on clothes cabs and lavish dinners?
We live a life too damn short to say we are who we think we are and that what we do is right or wrong for the matter. For a minute we are all naive enough to think that our life is on a low, that our life couldn get worst that we wanted to die, or perish or disappear or forget the past. For a minute, we think that we are dead ducks, that we are done. For a minute, we think that the common boy who fails his o or a levels is a dead worker, a dead Dolly. For a minute we think that the girl is the only girl, that we lost the one true love. For a minute, we think that effectively our lives are over. It is for a minute Because the subsequent minutes my friend, should be spent on thinking how wrong that is. How dumb that is; How fucking senseless that is to even go near that idea.
We call this a phase that we go through. Its ironic because we know that we are like this because we are 19, 18, 17. We know that we will grow out of it. Sometimes we know its stupid to behave in certain ways. We know its wrong to be lazy and do stupid things or get hung up over girls and get stuck on drugs and admitted to the juvenile homes and courts. We owe our ass wipings to our parents. Whatever else that happens, we owe it to ourselves. We are going through a phase that we have created on our own; that in some ways we have laid down even, ground rules as to how you should behave or live our life at a certain age. We have one life so fuck the rules and whats been.

We have one life. I dont know where we go after this but you make one change, you change everything. Do this one thing while you're reading this though. Humor me and do it. Look at your life, at yourself and ask, how could your life be the worst. How could you be the worst in any aspect at all ask, how or is it even near the truth, that you are the worst, that your life is the worst. We all have our fair share of problems in life. Ya do it right you move fast. ya do it wrong, learn from it, teach it. Dont make em teach you. Let em teach you. We are all different but we are by all means the same as well. Make that fact happen. That fact that we all similarly, can instil a sense of difference in us. Im not saying we should all be saints and help the poor or teach the intellectually disabled but ignite that fire in you because it will liberate the world, if not one person. Pay it forward. I'll Rec the film or the novel cause it is the splendid notion of helping millions when we help one person. I've said it before.
What you do for yourself withers, dies and rots with you. What you do for others, is immortal. Dont let anyone make you feel you are not as attractive or appealing or smart as another person. Dont let anyone tell you they are better than you. You fight for your freedom, not escape and settle for second best. I dont care if you're indian, or chinese, or malay or a foreigner. Aller you the same. The same in that we all can shine; to be immortal.
To you,
What i feel for you, words cannot be said for. To come in my life now, could be a time never more apt. Thank you for i am finally sure.
4/06/2007 05:24:00 AM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
There comes a time in life where we are caught in the edge of reason. Why we do certain things and why we are here. The common rhetorical question that has an answer within jus waiting to come out. The biggest crime that can happen is not to take a life, to kill rob or steal. The biggest crime isto waste your time away because you'rekilling yourself. So very slowly. Spend theday as if it was your last and look not backwards. You only have this life to live. don waste it on whats unnecessary. Look at it and relish it with whats deserved of a life ahead.
Dont wonder about what might have been or what could have been or what should have been.
Because nothing can beat what is now; And what will be.
And what is now and what will be is something that noone can take away from you.
Its yours.
Nothing can beat what is now.
4/01/2007 01:06:00 AM