

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Been quite some time people. Have been busy mugging for the coming Os. Will be going back to school tomorrow for some final words to my "educators". Its been very much obvious to me how confidence aids you and at the same time pose a threat to others. I mean confidence is something that so very few people have or just aint bold enough to show that they do ave confidence. Indeed one who has failed at a point where he has always been confident is a bad and hard fall. But without confidence, people cannot wait to see you fluster, cause they know ur gonna screw things up. On this, Anyone should be able to succeed based on adroit diplomacy and sheer good luck. That comes from confidence. I have been fearing the worst all my life thinking that im gonna fall. Today, I say i will move on to a new phase of my life and that i will succeed. Sometimes i wonder whether the "Gods" above or the so called "immortals "above envy us mortals, us humans. Our lives may come to an abrupt stop at any one time and we thus make full use of every moment in life. In our world, in this world, because any moment may be our last, it makes the world so beautiful and full content. This i believe, is an edge we have over you people up there. Come one people, Life's too short so dun leave without saying goodbye, and forsaking without saying sorry, We make mistakes , we biatch about every single detail in life but thats that. We move on and we never look back. Looking ahead is whats important. Time and being confident in life makes that one thing so beautiful.
Its all confidence and it is meant to be shown, to flaunt because confidence is not something evry single person could flaunt .Confidence prevents recrudescence of any great fall, of any failure. I have learnt and realised tat some time in life, ur gonna need it. When you step out of that exam hall for any paper you take, its not about whether ur gonna pass that matters, instead now, i realise when you tep out of that exam hall, you worry about whther u are gonna hit an A or a B. Never settle for less becase thats confidence once again. Never let peple see you bleed cos noone deserves tobe as vulnerable. Its next week people, the final hurdle, the final lap, dun screw things up here. Wake up. Keep what you may and forsake what ought to be forsaken. Just a little more of effort, and trust me, beyond all this is paradise. Ciao

10/28/2004 03:09:00 PM

Friday, October 22, 2004

I finally fathom. I realise the importance of one thing. Alot of things in life are really not just based on a fixed criteria. Alot of the times, it is based on pure feel and sense. Where matters of the heart are concerned, you could be the best looking man in the world with the best qualities any girl could ask for, but that would not signify that you would and could get anyone you want. As far as i know, its a two way thing. Its a kind of feeling, a kind of chemistry and without that kind of an understanding, that kind of spark there could be no chemistry, much less affinity. If everything was based on precise criteria, it wouldn even be called love. It would be termed as a transaction maybe? Where work, business or even friends are cocncerned, the fact that you are influential might not always lead you to victory. Many times it needs luck, determination and zero complacency. On my terms, im pretty dependent on luck most of the time and i must admit i am a pretty lucky guy. Anyways, its been a long wait and its hours away before my "pre graduation" from secondary school. Enjoy

10/22/2004 01:05:00 AM

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Time is money. So i shant waste time speaking of people that arent worth the time. Got into a cab yesterday and had a decent conversation with the driver who was definitely thrice my age and definitely saw and experienced more than i have. He said," Young man, you must make use of the time you have because u'll be surprised how fast it passes by. Youngsters nowadays do not settle down for marriage too early, and im telling you, they know that when they marry there is no more colourful living, nothing more to hope for but just to earn money and come home." I mean, i barely knew this guy for 5 minutes and he told me how valuable time is and how you should make full use of it. So here, time is everything, you dun race with it, u dun waste it, you control it. It is definitely with great delight that i have this blog put up. I just feel that i do thing differently. In a way, i dun link my blogs to other blogs, i dun expect ppl to know how im feeling and i certainly do not get all mixed up with who i should or should not be talking about. Its a new start for me, make it the same for you. Ciao

10/16/2004 11:23:00 PM

Friday, October 15, 2004

Ideas , Creativity, Flair , its all your own. But do not take hwats others to be yours. Its just like in business, ii reckon that if you want to be one in a million and be influential n the market, dont sellwhats already sold. It cuts off your creativity . I try to do things differently say things differently. I end entries with ciao or enjoy but these are based on flair and creativity. If u want to see the top, get to the top on your own. Again, i saw the words, i look happy but im not, something like that, i mean what the fuck is that, do you want people to ask about you? know more? You need sympathy? Thats obviously the way down in tat case. If you choose to behave like someone u are not, it is because you dun wan ppl to question who you are, you dun wan ppl to worry, yet if you choose to be sum1 you are not and then say it to the whole world that you are not happy, thats contradiction at its best. Like i said, Flair is yours. For me, i make sure i perfect whats not to me, No gaps, no stone unturned, just pure individuality and confidence. If noone was born to lead, we'd all be the same. For many of us, i reckon a greater evil as what my bud used to say. I reckon that in some area of our life , we are perfectionists. And in certain areas, we are trained killers in our various aspects. Let your mind run wild and piece it al together, You'll see, thats perfection. Enjoy

10/15/2004 04:46:00 PM

Its about 3.30am in the morning. Cant get to sleep right now and i have some bugger junior that aint worth my bothering about creating trouble here on my blog. Basket, cant take all this ridicule. Anyway, i think i finally stopped running if you know what i mean. Some races you just dont win, so its just too bad. I have other races in time to come. Im back to square one heading into a new chapter of my life with a totally new perspective on my life. Im a perfectionist, and i always try to fill in the gaps of what i can do best and that will be me. To perfect all thats not. I dun think theres a thing that can stop me from doing what i want to do in my future endeavours and im pretty much assured to say that im probably gonna succeed. Since the race is over, in case you newbies dunno, i was crazily in love with this girl Erica that i much obviously failed to get. She has spurred me on to a new phase of my life and i reckon theres more to come from me. Nothing much tonight, just to say theres someone new, someone i thought i could never be. A perfectionist. Ciao

10/15/2004 03:19:00 AM

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Well, surely you know how thoughts change with time? i reckon that noone needs to be or pretend to be someone else ust to stay safe. I mean if ur not who you actually are, then keep it to yourself. If you actually tell someone or write it in your blog, what value of significance is there? il tell ya, ZERO. Its not like in the movies. i mean ,bugger, you expect to be noble and not be who you actually are telling ppl u smile on the outside but you are actually sad no the inside. Now thats pathetic. And that was me. There is no mask behind who you are or a certainty to say that ppl should understand you. Cos if u expect to be someone else jus to i dunno mix around or claim that you are not who u are on the outside, keep it to yourself. Dun publicise your sufferings. For what? to seek sympathy? thats pathetic. Until you find out who you really are, dun try to be someone you cant be just so that ppl will like u more or jus to fit in or for ppl to take pity on you. Thats pathetic. A name is but just a name. However, the existence is transcient. Before you decide what to do or say , find out who you really are and your wat your intentions are. Hey ppl, lets face it. Do you really know who you are? how you would like to behave or how you say things? i can tell you i dont. I could have quite a few behaviours. So im sorting myself out. Bottom line. Always always know who you are before you move on to judge what life has installed for you. In fact most of the time, We speak of how things can be or how it should be. Theres always an excuse, a reason. But heres e harsh reality. All you have is now. And right now, you have only urself. Get up on your own. Pity, and sympathy will take you nowhere. Ciao

10/10/2004 11:20:00 PM

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Looking for a new start somewhere, band is upon completion of our first song. Time and time u tell yourself that ur gonna strive on and work hard. But i reckon that all this never happens. It boils down towhat u reay want in life and how ur gonna get it. I supose its obvious that many entries have been erased. Just wanted to begin somehwere else on a new bar , a new level. Recently, i returned to my job to teach kids to skate and i mst say it is a refreshing start. For once, i felt that everything wasn all pointless. Becaue whatever happens, happens for a reason. With the creation or presence of one thing, would always mean the ending of another. The great Albert Einstein was the key to the discovery of relativity which brightened up the lives of man. But throught that, relativity was e blueprint to the creation of the atomic bomb which silenced e lives of many in Hiroshima. My point is, sometimes what u start to say or start to do, could in future affect someone. In turn to that, it definitely affects you. Anyway, life definitely aint no bed of roses, but hey enjoy the ride, you never know wats coming. Enjoy

10/07/2004 03:45:00 PM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
