

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Many a time we do things without knowing why . We work and study and work and study and this lifeless process just goes on and on. what is the meaning of being here? I'd say we do what we do cause we have to. In fact , life is like a game, and u decide how you want to play it. Quite frankly, we dont have a choice but to just play this game. There is no other alternative, except death of course which is often a long way from one's birth unless you did something stupid enough to land yourself in God knows where. For me , i need to earn as much money as possible. Be it to provide, be happy or even to satisfy, one must realise that money is very very important. It is a fact and to say money is redundant, it is, indefinitely the understatement of the century. I've realised that what you undertake realy aids in your future. U say ur only 16, but in no time you'll be 26. why not start now?
Earning money is one thing. Making alot of money is really another issue. Earning is something you have to do. Whereas making a hell of a lot more money is an aspiration and at the same time, something you need to have the calibre to do, the ability to. Its a difficult life ahead of us. Right now, i could fairly say ive worked hard and its really tiring.

I've cultivated a reading habit now and i read alot on what i wish to major in in future. KNowledge helps, being smart is not enough. You gotta show it. Listening to a John Lennon oldie noe called Imagine. The lyrics are very meaningful. To refresh your memory, John Lennon was on eof the lead singers for the beattles who later got assasinated by some psycho at the age of fourty something. But anyway, D/l the song if you guys can, i recommend it.

Never make yourself suffer. I can tell you i have never loved anyone like i love myself. Give credit for your efforts. I'd openly say right here that i cant forget her. And i also cant have her, so i might as well try to make her happy. guys, its an expect. If you cant be no 1, at least settle for number 2,. Ciao, happy working peeps. I gotta go fo rmy frickin night shift

12/26/2004 09:52:00 PM

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Really dont have much to say. Have been out alone all day. Its been a lonely lonely christmas for me. Enjoy urselves people. Enjoy 2004 while you can. I dunno about u, but for me, its been a wild wild ride. Been a joy knowing all my good frens throughout these four years who have seen me down and out and still never decided to give up. Merry Christtmas people. Ciao

12/25/2004 11:20:00 PM

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I finally did my own shopping. Not yet complete with it though. Sigh , just got back from Central Hong Kong. Gotta rest for a while before going to work later at 12. Cory kept cursing rthe fact he had to do the morning shift. Deep down inside, i really felt the same way(haha). Work sometimes canbe oh so cruel . People do you know what this means, I work from 12 to 6 and then i have to follow up my waiter job at 8 to 4 and then 6 to 10 again for my bartending job. Im packed and i hardly slept today. work really is tiring here, especially here in Hong Kong cause in the wee hours of e morning, these peopl dun seem to like going to sleep and all. Again Cory always curses and swears cause its always "bloody mary please" , "i'll have a bloody mary" or " Bloody mary for me" . And again deep down inside me, i feel the same way. Whats wrong with you people, Bloody marey is bloody horrible and its bloody difficult to make.

Went to look out for this bag for a close fren of mine, spent like an hour and a half looking and bargaining for it, Nicole helped alot but the lady just wouldn budge. So Nicole said we'll try somewhere else next time. Its funny the way guys bargain. Its like a type of protocol. Cut it by half and push the up un til an agreed sum. But for women, the way they bargain, its truly magical. I dunno about u guys, but women really can bargain over things. Watched a world without thieves (i think) cause Cory wanted to watch it. Was an ok movie, but wasn really the best. We finished everything by 8.30 and headed home. Sent Nicole home and here i am. To sum it ALL up, im really tired now and im gonna be really tired later. But i guess the pay is worthwhile. I gotta go guys. Ciao

12/21/2004 09:18:00 PM

Ok, technically im dead, its 1:11 am now and im not asleep and i have an appointment with Nicole and Cory at 10am at Mong Kok . I just couldn go to sleep leaving two more parts of my life during these few days not talked about here in the blog.

(1) As i walked out from the toilet during my lunch break a few days ago, these lines of camera men kept knocking me , and knocking me, and knocking me. And knocking me still. I was so irritated. Then i heard , " Sorry " i was like wow that was nice . I looked up and it was this really hot pair of celebrities in Hong Kong, you should know em. I saw e twins. But the Other one, Charlene Choi, wasn there. Gilian ( the other girl) is one my dream girls. I mean shes totally pretty in person when i saw her. Ok back to the story, as i wanted to like smile back and say its ok in cantonese, i again got pushed like noones business by her fans. In a matter of seconds, i was likein a corner. I literally mean in the corner. It really was sucky but hye, i met this really hot celeb. It really shows how crazy people can get when they meet their dream celebs and all.

(2) If u guys ever enter e bar for a cocktail, i strongly advise u people to abstain from Bloody Mary and Blue Blazer. Those are e worst cocktails in history. Cant believe Nicole actually tricked me into it on my first day in work. Dunno why these people like it so much. All e lemon, tomato ,it really is bloody sour. If u guys like reach the age limit, go bartending, its really fun. I've lerant to make a few cocktails now and its really fun. Nights people. Ciao

12/21/2004 01:11:00 AM

Monday, December 20, 2004

Hey Guys, I just got back from work. Been an exciting day as i jotted down recipes for yet another two cocktails. Bartending is very fun and whats best is you get to talk with the people there. The working hours r late and all and its very stressful at night cause of the good business but its really alot of fun and you get to know lots of people. As for my waiter job, its almost the same. I guess what im really trying to say is that money is important. Really important. Like us, if you are 16 now, without a job and hoping to make it big by 4d or by lucky draws , DUN GET MARRIED. Dun even THINK about it. Working life is really a hard one, im only a waiter cum bartender and im screaming for help already. HAven really had the time to shop but thank God tomorrows my day off and im going out with Nicole and Cory. Cory is a 19 yr old from San Diego who also works at the bar but has been here in Hong Kong for about 6 years. Nicole as you know, is a rather close friend of mine and so ya we're going out tomorrow, hopefully do some crazy shopping. Bu tthe thing is, me and Cory was unlucky enough to experience for the second time, the morning shift. But anyway, Life, its really not always a bed of roses. Sometimes, its a real royal pain in the arse.
Its the 20th already and im amazed to see how time flies. In no time, it'll be christmas and then 2005. I really like Hong Kong now, more than ever. I've really grown accustomed to life and the people here. Its really amazing. Today, i was on the subway, i had to change trains and as i was walking, i saw that people were running to the other train that i had to board as well cos it was closing. Nothing usual eh? The thing is, it was at 7am. Normally, people start work at 9, here in hong kong. But even so, to my amazerment, i saw this old lady that was pushing her trolley and running at amazing speed despite her age. Its like every second counts here in Hong Kong. How do you actually get to see that in S'pore? And i gotta say, the weather here is simply cooling and great. You should see when its in june , autumn i think. Its really darn cooling. Its always nice to be in Hong Kong. They speak chinese, cantonese, english, Hell some ppl speak malay! Come by if you guys have the time, its really worth it. I really wonder how all my friends are doing right now. Heard that all of them have jobs now and thats a good thing cos everyone realises how much it sucks. But at the end of the day it really pays off. i work 6 days a week, almost 14 hours a day but at the end of the week i get abt 300 sing. Now thats alot of money and hey im not complaining. Life's great right now. Probably gonna get a whole set of clothes new shoes, and definitely a new phone. Its really great to earn and spend your own money cos its your effort.
All right guys, meeting Nicole for supper in about an hour, Shall stop here anyway, Take care and in case i dun update this shit, Merry Merry Christmas to all.

12/20/2004 10:23:00 PM

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Greetings folks, its been quite some time hasn't it? I finally have e time to update my blog after hours and hours of work that never seemed to end. Im in Hong Kong right now, enjoying the cool weather along with a hot beverage . The thing is , im not shoppping here or enjoying. Im working. Yeap, no shit. Im really working. Although its tough work, at least they pay me well. Then again, my dad has found me jobs to support my own living while im her ein hong kong. Besides dinner and lodging, i pretty much am in charge of my own expenses. Heres a little insight to what i actually do.
I work at this restaurant down in central. I work frm 8 to 4 and i all i do is serve serve and serve. The bad thin g abt Hong Kong for me is the countless number of people. At fucking 10 am in the morning, i actually get orders like steak breakfast or an english breakfast with extra toast. I mean their diet is just so unbelievable. Business is good but that tires me. Everytime i actually get to rest, some goofball walks in and just waves to the waiter(me) with that ever frenly yet irritating smile to me, and says "i'd like to order now." Work is tough i have to admit. I never stop thinking about the times i spend with my family. To put it bluntly the time where i reach out to my parents and money just lands on my hands with no strngs attached. Anyway, this what i do, ONLY in the day.
At night, i work down at this posh restaurant with a bar in it whoich specialises in its pasta and cocktails. I work as a bartender there. My dad happens to know e boss and got me into this job despite me being underage. But here in Hong Kong, who actually cares? Anyway, so ya i work down at this restaurant and just make cocktails. Basically have e basics right now, but its nothing fancy. I work frm 6 to 11. Sometimes, if its busy it ends at 12. And sometimes, when ur really out o fluck, you get e 12 am shift all e way thru till 6am. Yea, Happened once already. But again, the job pays me well. Whats even better is i know this girl from work, that treats me pretty well. Shes pretty and all, but cant expect more than just frens. Shes 18 and her name's Nicole. Anyway, ya hat sums up what i do in er what supposedly is supposed to be my holiday venue, Hong Kong. I get paid 300 sing a week and ya its good money.
Over time, i think i have matured somewhat. Money is hard to make and as a person that works now to support himself, its even harder to spend. Wise up people, welcome to the real world. Alot has happened over these few weeks. Its noting surprising but the girl that i got obsessed with, ( Erica, in case you forgot) is attached. Yup, i missed my train, AGAIn. But i realise something really important. I tried to change my self so many times to suit her but it never worked. Cause simply, that wasn me. Im glad shes found someone although it still hurts alittle. As long as shes happy, its really all fine with me. ANd er, NO. Sorry to disappoint you on my love life, there is nothing between Nicole and i. I discover im a pretty bland guy so im really probably not gonna get one anytime soon.
Gotta work tomorrow, so i guess its time i end it all here. If my friends or any of you are reading, i will be back on the 29th and i hope we er meet up for e countdown or something. If not, take care all. Nights, Ciao.

12/19/2004 01:50:00 AM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
