

Sunday, June 26, 2005

and to add on , im completely upset that its this way . I'll be fine the next day bu im said to reaslie the truth of life. If you do have frens that really share thick and thin, then all the best. But right now,i'd stick to my frens similar tot of no true friends ever appearing. my father once told me to pick myself up cause thats e only thing that would help. I realise his intentions and i also realise what i can and cannot do. and the answer to what all of us cannot do is simple. NOTHING. Challenge ur limits and do not give in to emotions. Aim high and never falter. Whats mine is mine. and i will take back what my mom lost and follwo in my father's footsteps. a great man he was and a greater one i will be. I have hi bye frens, i have frens and i have acquaintances. thats final . My cloest people are my challengers because they, like me have turned their minds to become selfish. Be careful to those you're kind with. Because at the end of the day, out of a hundred, only 1 deserves that kindness.

6/26/2005 02:10:00 AM


S0 all it took was a train ride and a glance at the stars after lying down at the playground slide under my place to think about something i thought i was so sure of. I have my own answer to friendship and to life itself. I used to despise one of my frens way of thinking, that there were no true friends or what we call "abangs" . Bu today i realise, he is right. Your friends are but just an imaginary reliance to the finish line - you only have yourself. Its true that if u do good things and you do be kind to people, you will be recognized but i dun think u might be rewarded in the same way. By the way, forgive my errs in language or spelling today as im having a bloood rush to the head and im getting very impulsive. Today should be the premiere post of " If you didn't love me". But htis is important. This is of no opinion. This is about me, something i realise and something i will not alter for a long long time. So lets embark on this waywayr journey and one sided opinion for the first time in my blog history. This is my perspective, my beginning.

The way i see it, friends are for company, a free side order of fun and laughter. You may find friends that you can cry on but believe me when i say they wont help you for long. If you do have a friend that can help you in every aspect, you must have been a saint in ur past life and stolen some peach thats why ur banished to earth but blessed with the blessing of friends. Today i got off the train with a pack of friends as i had to pass my friend money at somerset. NOw i did not expect all of them to alight and wait, but none had the decency to say bye or to even say sorry. I saw their faces and of some were my closest friends. I then realised on the train what a fool i was. Its not their fault but a conclsuion thats true abt us, man. We are all selfish, no matter what you say. Face it people, we love being recognized but we are unwilling to commit to an extent that we are overshadowed. We are all selfish and we have no pillars. i've come to realise one thing. We are all fakes, counterfeits except for the small majority that might have genuine frenships. I have ten dollars left for this week. I was a rich man's son once and now im reduced to having no wealth. Im an average guy . Im not poor but why i have been reduced to such a state is because i've been too nice and too blind to see who are the people around me. A friend owes me forty dollars and has yet to return any of my calls or messages. Im no asshole or pump bitch and im gettin my money back even if it means being despicable or downgrading myself. You argue that money isn everything. I beg to differ. If ihad money, my mother could have gone for surgery earlier, she wouldn have died. If i hadn loaned money i would be able to buy myself a new racket, if i hadn't loaned money, i'd eat gd food. My mothers fren ran away with 20,000 sing that my mom loaned while she was ill and never fucking came back. You see what money does to people? It makes people go soft. Like my mother, i'd do the same but not anymore. I realise you gotta be as hard as a rock. Ghosts arent even scary now but those you deem as your friends are the ones that are scary.

I had no money so i bet on soccer and i lost , not alot, but i still did lose. Why? in a bid to get back what should be mine. I believe that one can have no limit and so i believe i have no limit. I will stream to the top and while im at the top, i will not give in to emotions because as i was down and out with no money or even when i had my back turned on, i realsied many had already drawed their knives and stabbed me despite our past givings. I yearned to atone for the lies i told to people. But that shall stop, i think i have atoned enough. As i was almost finishing my contemplation, i spoke out to "God" but to no avail. Stupid as it sounds i asked for a hint to let me know that he/she was there that he/she does exist, but there was no reply. All i could hear was myself. Nad i guess that was the answer that i only have myself. I have one aim and one aim only, to be the best and to stay there. Friends used to be an imporatnt aspect of my life but not anymore. I now know money takes place as a barter for frenship and that the only thing that would seem precious would be family. So this is my beginning.

Life is a struggle between man . And as such in a war, you are your own man. I have myself and i thkn thats enuf. Im not saying i do not need friends. Im sure i do but none will i need to rely on because they will falll on you instead. We are burden to each other and that fact will never change. I come to realise that noone will pick you up besides family. So i'll stick to the side orders of my life and not make it my main course.


6/26/2005 01:22:00 AM

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Ok people sorry i haven been updating the blog these days. Have been down with flu and barely scraping through now with the irritating sore throats and the "running" noses. As much as most of you might be wishing that i'd drop dead and never come to life again, sorry to disappoint you. Right, i do have a major fan base of people that probably want to kill me. But basing that and whats happend throughout, let's pin our mind on the thoughts of friendship. Is it as fragile as what seems? or is it a matter of the trust we breach or so much so that we find new friends that "overlap" our old ones?

You know they say the road to a friend's house is never long. It is to this extent that we explain that no boundaries are within these binds of friendship and that nothin gis too far or too difficult to solve. The way i see it, We all live a long life, and we meet countless kinds of people, the ones we like, the ones we enjoy playing sports with , and the ones we simply want to kill. And this process goes on , and on without stopping. What im trying to say is that some poeple take a few years to seek themselves and decades to find that one true friend. I dare say that i have one of the closest and nice frens anyone will ever have in this world, but definitely, definitely not the best. My father once told me, a man with a thuosand friends will find it tough to choose one to spare. What are your ideas of friendship? Is it just simply keeping in contact and being funny all the time and lending a shoulder when they need help? Maybe. But they way i see it, theres more. IT is like that of a relationship. You have to click, you have to commmunicate without even a single amount of sarcasm or bicker.The real test of friendship is: can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple?

Contrary to general belief, i do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, but they are merely the people who got there first. You need not share the same likes, but it is important to recall certain times and to remember that that certain person was there for you. So you ask me if friendship is fragile, i say yes. Because we time and time try to contact whoever was once important to us. Why? because we are either too busy or too occupied with our nerw friends that we have been acquainted with. You may argue with a standpoint that you still have them in your hearts and that you miss them but that does not change the fact that we have been too busy to keep in contact. The reason to this is not the fragileity of riendship as the focus point but he focus point being that we all have been defeated by time. Why do you think at the end of a productive forty years of life, most people are left with frens they knew a few years back? What imtrying to say is that as much as we value them in our hearts, we cannot help but admit all this will be drifted away as we meet new people and enter new phases of life. You ask if friendships are fragile i say yes. But if you ask if the bonding was fragile throughout those tryingn times, i would have to say no.

Now as you are sitting on your chair reading all this, whether you are cursing my views and wishing that i'd drop dead (again) or whther you really start thinking, What is your standpoint on friendship? My father is 60 this year and he has yet to found one best friend. My father happens to be as similar a guy as i who enjoys joking around and writing. He is one of the most intelligent man i have ever known and he has taught me what i know today. Yet, he has yet to find that one person that can do the one thing that i bet most of you cannot do. And that is to stab a friend in the front. That is an account of a true friendship, to be able to tell you your errs in total outright manner . It will be an even greater beauty of friendship for him/her to accept your imperfections and take you as who you are.

Well, hope i answered your question Phebs. And folks, regardless of what happens here on out, im sure all of you will admit that you have the best company in the world. But the best is yet to come my friends. Noone tells you to forget these "present friends" as you move on in life. INstead, keep them in your hearts. That way, noone gets by you. But heres advice, dont try to be everyone's best friend, its a hard task to keep because you need to please everyone and hey unless ur perfect, how is that possible? So if you resign to fate and agree to what i say and get really upset, dun be. Cause in the next paragraphs, are the type of people you'd count yourself lucky not to be angelic good friends with.

So everyone wants to be the popular one. Everyone wants to be the centre of attention. " I want everyone to love me and i want everyone to hate whoever i hate." These are the things that stir them on to be your "best friends" ever! They go out with you, they laugh with you and then when you turn your back they say, " what a showoff, or, what an ugly outfit, or worst, boy doesn't he/she look like me?" I bet everyone does that. Hey dont be feeling guilty, noones perfect. Who says its a crime to be envious anyway? But then again, no need to overdo things.

So here i am , to introduce you your first "best" friend, lets name her, Betsy. So she's everyone's friend looking as if they r so fine and flash all the time with her group of friends. Nevertheless, instead of looking in the mirror, they poke fun at others that do not look as good. And as these not so good looking ppl come to them, they turn their back immediately with that smirk and a new mask put on their face and they go," Hi! how are you! You are looking better! where did you get that bag? Oh my God i need to get one of those too!By the way, can i borrow your chemistry notes?" And when all is said and done with, they just throw you aside. Familiar with Betsy people?

Next up, meet Lennon. Lennon is an attention seeker and loves the outright company of girls. But at the same time, he yearns to be the cool guy and the centre of attention. So he decides that he should be abang with the coolest guy in school,Louis. And with that, he phases out everybody thats close to Louis and asks him out at every opportunity. He backstabs Louis's gd friends and eventually hangs out with him. He dresses like him, he talks like him and virtually becomes him. In due time. And so the big party comes and all the chix arrive,. And so suddenly, Lennon becomes James Bond, he forgets his friends and totally humiliates them in front of the girls. Familiar with Lennon people?

Well i could rattle on and on but basically Betsy and Lennon might seem like the two same people. ****ers. But hey, they just have different opinion on friendships. Betsy finds friendship too weak to depend on. She keeps a few gd frens by her side maybe one or two and thats that. Other than that, she pokes fun at people and makes use of them. Lennon on the other hand is someone overly possesive and believes that best friends are those that share the same likes and must be those that are the coolest but he is wrong obviously.

Friendships speak a deep language. And thats not saying. If you get me, friends are those that know you inside out and help when you are in need not pretend nothing has happened just to save your face. Friends do things without you saying what you want. Friends are there, when you need it. The bottom line is this,

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose

6/19/2005 04:53:00 PM

Friday, June 17, 2005

Ok i realise some of you like this entry so im gonna repost and edit it and name it as the highlight for this month of June. Thanks for reading people, and for the record, im single. Enjoy

edited: The Imagined Her

It was that saturday afternoon, our first month together and i was really looking forward to seeing her sparkly eyes and that radiant smile again. As nervous as i usually was, i just blanked out trying to look at her, much less hold her hand. She brought about such a calm atmosphere around me, so much so that all was jus taken away in that one second. We talked about many things without needing to stop, our topics never ending and our common likes, only getting more as we knew each other better. She was dressed in a denim skirt with a neat long sleeved white top that fitted her perfectly. The luscious long hair made everything make sense. Then , all was right in place.

We walked on and stopped by for lunch at one her favourite cafes. A light eater she was, but such a funny person at lunch, the way she ate and how she just uttered every word even as she were munching her food away. I turned back to my usual habits and took out the camera. What images were taken were those of such value, of such natural beauty and of memories that noone could steal. She was about a half a head shorter than me, and spoke so confidently of every topic she had in her heart. we would bicker once in a while and point out who was more better looking than each other just to pick at one another. I'd pick some ugly woman and say that she was better looking whereas she would pick some ugly old stud and say he looked better. We would laugh about it. It was only one month, but our every actions seem to synchronize as one. I felt i knew her all my life.

We finished off and catched an evening movie. Funny how we could sit totally quiet at the theatre as we even held hands when watching the movie. I had so much to say but yet that feeling came upon me. That feeling where you go totally blank at the sight of the most perfect things. I guess some things could be seen when left unsaid. We stepped out of the theatre and started bickering about the endings and how we felt about the movie. I smiled at every point she made, sensisble or not. Because she matched my inabilities. We were perfect and i thus wondered how long i had waited to piece this other half of my heart. I held her hand, tighter than ever and said nothing. At that point of time, i guess we were one. We knew what were on each other's minds.

How was it that i was able to capture such things in life? A 2 hr bus ride could seem like 15 mins . I sent her home that night and on the train, we talked as she begged for me to sing. I embarassed myself and as she fell asleep on my shoulders we both took the ride home that i wished lasted for eternity.

We walked to her place from the station and we played like 14 yr olds. Stupid as it seemed to others, at least we were in unison. Isnt that of most importance? that the other party agrees of your actions and you to hers? She complained she was tired and had such crampy legs. We egged on and on until i finally piggy backed her home for that short 10 mins. I only wished i could carry her for her to depend on me, such that her journey could be carried on by mine and her moving would equal my moving. We reached her doorstep and it all came to a sudden pause. All that instant beauty came to an abrupt stop and as she gave me a peck on the cheek, she chose not to turn away from my sight. She instead backed away with that smile of hers . We said our goodbyes and my heart played back the whole experience as i was eager to see her again.

Relationships are a timing challenge. The shortest amount of time could seem so short because we could never get enough. Many a time we seek a "her" and wished certain things could be in certain ways. I guess many would see me as a flirt and since this blog is ending, for the record i love having the company of girls but thats different from being with someone i love. I believe out there there is a soul mate that we both seek out for. First loves are never the real deal they say at our teenage years, yet it carries the most beautiful memories. I decided to myself that i would have a camera by my side at every one time i and "her" could be together, this way i could recollect. Besides, who would wanna forget? I wished we were similar and wished she would be someone that welcomed perspective as well.

Im not much of a know it all, but i know when that feeling of having a crush is.It'd make you feel like a lil boy all crushed up inside witht hose recurring butterflies. But nothing comes without a price. I guess thats why they say love must be patient. I guess thats why im still being calleda flirt. haha, alil song for that special someone when you knew it was her:

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
We were young we were wrong
We were fine all along
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna play
You'll be so high you'll be flying
Though the sea will be strong
I know we'll carry on
Cos if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna say it
You'll be so high you'll be flying
I was her she was me
We were one we were free
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
As you guys see, i extended this abit. I remembered what a wondrous experience all this would be had it been complete. SO here it is, completed with every bit of sweetness and yet sincerity in every word. When you're with that special someone, you wonder, how did i get so lucky?
I once thought when she was in my arms that even if i woke up and couldn't hear a sound and all that i could see was darkness all around, it'd be nothing compared to how i'd feel if she didnt love me. Love is such a magical thing. It makes you all small inside, the best part is you probably spend most of your time togther looking at each other cos' you couldn believe you got so lucky. right?
SO heres up : the next entry, "If you didn't love me" - Coming soon
Keep whats yours by your side and let what does not belong to you go. For the right star will come by and shine so that you could see and that melodies will play in your heart so that you could hear the most beautiful voice.

6/17/2005 01:46:00 AM

So here i am , lost in the midst of seeking love and seeking tennis. As ironic as it seems, these two paths that seem totally uncanningly different are actually very similar. Ya know, i dont know about you guys, but i get lonely, very lonely at times. Not in terms of companionship, but support, emotionally. So i seekto find that someone, ya know with the luscious hair and the beautiful eyes etc etc. And yet at the same time, i know im not at my best and as i seek to find myself in tennis, it seems along weary road. As much the same for most of us, we seek to find ourselves. Its been an amazing three to four years since i last got attached. but i stil remember every feel, every touch and every experience, and well , it really seems like love is all around me, but unfortuantely the cupid has yet to strike me. Apparently, life seems to be planned for me to have big big disappointments.

I was earlier brought into the tennis school team but faced with the prospect of playing doubles because iw asn gd enough. Its just one of those days where you think the world is tied to you. Ya know, sometimes, you cant seem to erase the past from ur head? So when that past comes back for another chance, u hesitate.I cut the ropes ending another part of me that i was sure woudl never return.I know you guys are lost so i'll make it clearer.

Have any of you out there made a bidding to seek yourself? Who are you and what do you seek? what do you want in life and how far are you from beign that person you make out to be? i though i was happy with who i was but now, im not even sure who i was and what i want.

Weeks ago, a girl that i found most important in some stage of mylife reappeared. I thought i knew what was to come and i thought i knew what i felt. But you trauma, when you fall off abike once you dont wish to ride it again. She let things down once and i couldn erase that past from my mind so i cut the ropes. Y aknow when you realise what you want is nto there anymore or when you thought what you want wasn what u want, its a very lousy feeling?

i was born into a rich family, fed with a silver spoon until my father failedhis business, he got poor and mymotehr got sick only topass way in 2003. I was strong i thought, but hey even heroes crumble. I challenged, always the prospect of a single life vs an attached one. But yet for the first time in life, im about to defeat my own theory because there are times indeed that im lonely. Im sure its the same for lall of us.

Much has happened. what i thought could be mine disappeared, and what i aimed for seem to fade away like a lost ship steering into no mans land with no direction , no goal or aim. So what to do if you were me? Haha well i dont have a clue. Butheres a question for all of you to think and to think carefully about, and that being, " who are you? and what do u seek?"

Who are you. People, we try our best to make ourselves happy and sure of ourselves. But as you are sitting alone reading this right now, what is it you really want, is it there anymore? And what to do if its not? what then?


6/17/2005 12:02:00 AM

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hope you guys enjoy the music serenading this blogspot. It s amazing how music can affect one so much. But thank God for the internet. It serves as a medium to spread music. In case you were wondering, this is performed by Corrine May, entitled "Everything in Its Time" :

Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead
How long till my hunger is fed
They say it's hard to make it in this part of town
So many people on this merry-go-round
Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer, To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and I try to pray
In the silence I can hear Him say
The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things I believe
The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
'cause maybe there's another plan
One I still can't see
A little surprise, like your love in my life
Funny how time changes how we see
The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
Everything in its time

6/16/2005 11:27:00 PM

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mine to keep

Time gets the better of me
It brings memories
The movies and the kisses
The tears and the laughter
I thought they'd never be gone

I'd wonder when you'd say no
Or why you'd say no
Cause I never imagined
I'd have this moment with you

They told me fate let us meet
I say you brought me to us
How could there be fate for as such a beauty
Then as u said hello stranger
I knew
You'd be mine to keep

When the night is all still
And the stars still shine
I know you'd still be around
Cause they shine for the beauty of your grace

And when you left
I cried
I could not fathom your leaving
And why i let you leave
Then i smiled
For i knew the answer

You were already mine to keep...
You know people, how is it possible, that you fall in love so easily and quickly and not realise that its the first time you are feeling that way? The actions we do and the things we say amaze us to an awesome extent. I remember how certain people were still by my side and i remembered our every experience. Ya know, it wouldn hurt writing how you feel, even if it was on a tissue paper or a cardboard that you'd throw away, at least you knew all was true at that very moment you started writing.
In a nutshell, i choose music. It recollects such a reminiscence of beauty in a few words and as such, even though i was apart from my loved one, be it the girl that i once loved so much or my mother, they are indeed mine to keep, deep in my heart. The above talks about particularly one of my experiences. When you embrace what you have, you cannot understand how you manged to catch it, but when i lost it, i could not take it. But it took me quite a while to understand that she is mine to keep. The movies and the kisses we shared we were always thus sweet, yet the tears and the laughter knocked back into my mind the most unforgettable things in life. I was so much of a coward and i thought of the many ways she could possibly say no and why i would screw up to make her say no.But when she agreed , that was something i never thought of. But all that i thought, all that i could think of was to recall how we met and thank not to fate, but to her. And i recalled when i first heard her speak, she was mine to keep because in my memories i had painted a very beautiful picture of things. And as i'd pace on to view the stars, they'd still be shining.
There's someone out there that you need to make your intentions known to isn there? Take it slow. Love is patient and will pick up its own speed on its own. Night people, cheers

6/15/2005 11:04:00 PM

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Imagined Her

It was that saturday afternoon, our first month together and i was really looking forward to seeing her sparkly eyes and that radiant smile again. As nervous as i usually was, i just blanked out trying to look at her, much less hold her hand. She brought about such a calm atmosphere around me, so much so that all was jus taken away in that one second. We talked about many things without needing to stop, our topics never ending and our common likes, only getting more as we knew each other better. She was dressed in a denim skirt with a neat long sleeved white top that fitted her perfectly. The luscious long hair made everything make sense. Then , all was right in place.

We walked on and stopped by for lunch at one her favourite cafes. A light eater she was, but such a funny person at lunch, the way she ate and how she just uttered every word even as she were munching her food away. I turned back to my usual habits and took out the camera. What images were taken were those of such value, of such natural beauty and of memories that noone could steal. She was about a half a head shorter than me, and spoke so confidently of every topic she had in her heart. we would bicker once in a while and point out who was more better looking than each other just to pick at one another. I'd pick some ugly stud whereas she would pick some ugly old woman and laugh about it. It was only one month, but our every actions seem to synchronize as one. I felt i knew her all my life.

We finished off and catched an evening movie. Funny how we could sit totally quiet at the theatre as we even held hands when watching the movie. I had so much to say but yet that feeling came upon me. That feeling where you go totally blank at the sight of the most perfect things. I guess some things could be seen when left unsaid. We stepped out of the theatre and started bickering about the endings and how we felt about the movie.

How was it that i was able to capture such things in life? A 2 hr bus ride could seem like 15 mins . I sent her home that night and on the train, she fell asleep on my shoulders as we both took the ride home that i wished lasted for eternity.

Relationships are a timing challenge. The shortest amount of time could seem so short because we could never get enough. Many a time we seek a "her" and wished certain things could be in certain ways. I guess many would see me as a flirt and since this blog is ending, for the record i love having the company of girls but thats different from being with someone i love. I believe out there there is a soul mate that we both seek out for. First loves are never the real deal they say at our teenage years, yet it carries the most beautiful memories. I decided to myself that i would have a camera by my side at every one time i and "her" could be together, this way i could recollect. Besides, who would wanna forget? I wished we were similar and wished she would be someone that welcomed perspective as well.

Im not much of a know it all, but i know when that feeling of having a crush is.It'd make you feel like a lil boy all crushed up inside witht hose recurring butterflies. But nothing comes without a price. I guess thats why they say love must be patient. I guess thats why im still being calleda flirt. haha, alil song for that special someone when you knew it was her:

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
We were young we were wrong
We were fine all along
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna play
You'll be so high you'll be flying
Though the sea will be strong
I know we'll carry on
Cos if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna say it
You'll be so high you'll be flying
I was her she was me
We were one we were free
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

6/14/2005 11:37:00 PM

Monday, June 13, 2005

The entree of The finale

I really have been receiving comments like why bother about others and why shut down? I really think i should bring this out. Thanks for the erm, concern but my initial purpose for the start of this blog has failed. As a person i have always chalenged creativity and enjoy the dynamics of perspective and opinion. Perspective to me is something of vital essence. This blog was meant to make my readers think a thing or two about life. You may think its not totally true because all i blog abt is negative things. But how can we be prepared if we are forever optimistic?

A famous futurist called Peter Schwartz prepared for the scenario of an oil crisis of 1973 and the rise of energy conservation. He did not know that was to happen and yet challenged the optimism of life so as not to be caught off guard. It paid off. This was brought upon by creativity and the initiative to prepare for worst case scenarios. The concept of scenraio planning in my opinion is the case of perspective and creativity. All that brings us to such a career of a futurist.

So they ask, why why why? Reason is simple. Without persepective and with the wrong thinking that i try to confuse my readers, this blog cannot go on. The fact that people do not nderstand what i say is common to one of my favourite phrases, " you have been a stranger to sorrow therefore fate has cursed you" They do not understand because in life, most things are one sided. Is it because its really too tough? or simply because they never thought about it before? Thats where i failed people. To let people think about things and provide perspective for a just in case or at least an idea of who they are and what they would say.

I am no talented writer. I am no A1 student for english. But u start out in the hop ethat i will be able to influence. My prime objective is to enhance and welcome new perspective because it is such an ironic thing. It is beautiful and yet destructive as what my friend Jacksen says. The irony of it is of such an ambiguous state that its really mind boggling. So i will keep writing my best as often as pssible but the i say again, the finale of this blog and the ending of it shall be on the 5th of next month.

People say its my blog why should i care? And that indeed is very true. But notice i have never changed any way i think or alter my perceptions of things to adhere to any of u. Why? because thats my perspective. At the tagboards, you provide perspective and thats whats so beautiful about it.

But All in all, its been alot of work and i am ,too, sad to see it go. BUt you know what they say. All things must have an end.
Thanks anyway

6/13/2005 06:14:00 PM

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Okok lets start from the beginning. Lets start off by telling you all about me. Yes, for the first time im gonna tell you the origin of the blog and the origin of my thoughts and why i really do not give a rats ass as to people's objections to my entries.So, yes this is the first time i shall talk wholely, and solely about me. Still there? Well, thanks for not switching over to some porn site or some celebrity site and choosing my entry over your other preferences. so here goes, About me. Still there? come on, read the first few lines at least.

The word inversed means opposite. why inversed sights? Many people have one view of things, rather, they look straight. The bringing out of inversed sights was for a reason, not just some cool name or an anyhow name that i looked up the dictionary to act all deep and sophisticated. trust me, thats not me. Inversed sights tells you a little bit more. It tells you the common thought, the stigma. Also, it tells you another side of the story. Another angle, my angle. So just in case this blog name was some pretence to you that i found, theres your explanation. I never thought much of blogs. I thought they were routine and something boring, something only girls would do. That all changed when i was influenced my this incredible blog.( kingkangkong.blogspot.com) This guy, aimed to be different and his content, was unbelievable. You people should go take a look. But it was since then that i decided that i could create and that i did not need to follow the normal routine. here, you let things flow and let ur creativity do the rest, it is in a way, your world. I'd say that my style and his, was anything but ordinary.

People comment that my blog is too normal, that its too direct, that i stereotype. But thats where the loophole of my blog is. In every entry there are two sides of the story, either diferentiating, comparing, sensing the irony of it, etc. There are two sides, and with zero stereotype. I do not like getting remarks as such to my blog but that is life. no?

My expectations of the reader are simple. And that would be to either stand by my side or stand by the side of the majority, no right or wrong but just a matter of perspective. Arh coming to perspective,which tells you another part of me. Im a subjective guy, I love the arguments and the availability of perspective. I welcome opinions and i diswelcome posers. So, what do you know so far? Im subjective, a lil crazy( dont deny it) , and a guy daring to be different , be it right or wrong. If you remember my entry on the shades of gray, you can tell by then that i am a pretty contradicting guy myself, so much so that i do not even have a stand at times. Thats the contradictory side of me, and also the cowardly side of me.

So tonight i reveal it all, among the entries, some were of me, about me but in an indirect way. No? The ability to relate language is somethign also so very beautiful. My language is not a use of vocabulary to depict my knowledge, or to flaunt my skills. Instead, the language is such a wide wdie term, that i just choose to expose my feelings to different adjectives, different synonyms and acronyms. Its not a matter of being recognized, but being remembered. My blog was meant for all to read, and was meant for all to provide input on the various entries.But it seems like that is failing. Still there? Thank God for that, please read on.

This is one of my last few entries. In other words, this blog site shall stop running with new entries in due time. Today, " About me " was a brief intro to how it all started and the processes and thoughts relayed in the entries. Who i was and what kind of a person i tried to be. The magic of a blog is when u look back at the past entries for example from my beginnnings in July 2004 and now june 2005, about a year old now, you witness the growth of not a blog asite, but of a person. Itd true that i think alot. I have no qualms about that. But don't you?

We are to accustomed to thinking that it is the smart ones that are always right. But it has never dawned upon all of you, including me that we never had an "About me" in our mind. Who are you trying to be and what is you believe in soarly to be who you wan to be? Is it not time for you to reinstate your beliefs?

Dont tell me you guys are sleepin, hey come on, surely you understood my point tonight? It looks like total bullocks ( means bullshti in brit) but mind you i took the whole day thinkning about something like that.


6/11/2005 08:59:00 PM

Contrasting views: The Beauty of it

Isn't it wonderful that people have differential views? I bet we all have something to say about that. Fact is, people have died expressing their views, exercising their power through their beliefs. Some, just assaulted. Abraham Lincoln, a president of the United States was assasinated in the theatre shortly after a few changes and the thoughts he had relayed to the nation. A famous baseball player was disallowed from walking on the baseball pitches of America as he was quoted saying that America was a bully in the case of America vs Sadam. Men killed for their expression for equality of the battle between black and white. It doesn't matter where the place is or who the parties are. The irony and yet the beauty of having perspectives is such an austere form of beauty. Wouldn't life be such a schedule, something so ordinary if we did not have our own set of beliefs or perspectives ? It would be so routine, so, so well , so cliche. The excitement of life, the hustle and bustle of the city beat is inspired by the many discussions people have, be it arguments or an interesting conversation. This is all due to the color, the mixture of different views. Imagine a potrait, like Madame Mona Lisa, had it been a non colour potrait with just one shade of paint or pencil mark as a draft, wouldn't it look like some ugly old lady drawn by some amazingly crazy kid? But yet again, as ugly as Madame Mona Lisa was, it was a magical art piece that some say showed her gentleness with the smile that she portrayed.

The point, well my point is that perspectives, they are, they are such a beautiful thing. I mean without it, it'd be so bland. One thing remains, perspectives do not defeat, they challenge. Facts, though leave people strande. Facts defeat perspectives. However, the presence of an availability to argue or to provide suggestions is a bonus. Why is it people that contribute, people that suggest, hell , people that raise disagreements do well? Simple, because they provide an edge, they provide that variety of possibilities. The contrasting view of perspective is such a deadly weapon yet is such an interesting to be involved in. Why are people still afraid to share? I question this form of faith.

We are definitely no slaves to reality, but we are slaves to our own beliefs. Time to bring them all out people. Ciao

6/11/2005 12:50:00 AM

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Fate, The distinguished, yet misunderstood "gentleman"?
I gotta admit, when im on a roll, i say im the man. And when im in a wholelotta shit up my neck, i blame God. Well, to be precise i blame Fate. But i realise the need to talk about it.
You were a stranger to sorrow therefore Fate has cursed you. It is not an animosity that one decides to believe or blame. I mean how many things in life do we actually use fate upon. Exams, girls, dates, love, hell, even when theres no more toilet paper as you are pulling away at the toilet bowlies, u blame fate. Because you and i are all too much of a stranger to sorrow and that is why fate has cursed. hypothetically, it is because we are never prepared and as such things occur we use fate as a backup , or an unseen figure. IN this case, fate seems to be the distinguished gentleman. My dad used to say death is a milder fate than tyranny. But that fate that eventaully occurs leaves you to wonder and actually dictate which is which or how would be btter. Sense the irony?
As far as it goes for me, Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free from all these distractions and mental barriers that seem to "relieve" us psychologically.People, what you call fate is nothing but the deeds committed in a prior state of existence. whaqt you do in a haste eventaully becomes a consequence and in due time that consequence unfolds to become your fate. The distuingished gentleman in thi case, has not been misunderstood nor has he been understood to any sense. The reason is simple. The gentleman, along with all his other hidden friends along the way of hope, tragedy, agony, joy etc are there only when you want them to.
Fate has its own way of describing himself. The meeting of two unknown people turing into friends and then a couple is fate. The idea of a man being sentenced to death after a criminal offence is not. there is a fine line but yet as i have mentioned before, Fate lies in the shades of gray as forever, a distuingished gentleman, for noone to see, for noone to know, but only to accept.I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind. enjoy

6/04/2005 09:27:00 PM

The idea of "music"

Music, in my opinion is the heartbeat, the soul of all languages and hence the earth has music for those who listen. The art of music at times need not be understood, nor be sung. Music itself is a higher revelation than philosophy.John Lennon once said, "If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that ... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it. "

Thats the hit of music. The punchline of music. That you say what you want in such an ambiguous manner and yet in such a powerful force.Music. we have genres, countless Genres and many past greats but its really down to selective hearing. You hear what you want and u listen to what you like. Music is like an art piece, its apersonal perspective and is admired sorely if its a good piece, if not, then its just another persepctive. This entry is just my ideaof music so that noone relates music to noise. Rock some people say is one hell of a noisy genre, some say Pop is just yet another emo and touchy genre. But hey , wahts for us to decide. Its all, selective hearing. No?

6/04/2005 08:32:00 PM

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Those recurring butterflies, all over again : The idea of " like "

The idea of having a crush all over again. Feeling like that young 12 yr old kid after such a dry feeling of what i would call a relationship drought. I remember how it was like when it tried to chase what never could be mine. We were hanging out again. Once again, I found myself trying to be okay with the fact that we're just friends, but then when i grabbed her hand and then, well, I'm not okay, I was floating. This topic gets very touchy. But it is of late that some of my friends are in like, lost in like, and out of like. what im trying to do here is to draw a very stringent line between love and like. so besides my experiences that i relate to, i'll give you my idea of "like". Enjoy People.

I long for that feeling, those butterflies. some, refuse to admit that they are ok without a partner, some just admit their yearning for a new one again. Now im not the type of person that gets all mushy. I cant fall easily, but when i do, i fall hard. And when u discover that you are liking someone, its a whole new feeling that you feel so familiar with. The idea of love is something dangerous, something serious. Of course, the idea of like is the same, but the thirll of it, the butterflies felt and that feelings involved, its a much more enriched experience. So peeps, if you like someone, show interest. If you are already a couple, express your like.
Its when you realize that in some bizarre amazing fashion you have a big crush on someone that it takes a great deal of courage to admit . Not to her, but to yourself. You long to see her, but you dont tell her, you like her but you pretend to be friends. I mean its time we be more outright more mature and direct to things. How can you possibly like someone without knowing that her being happy is whats most important?

i think its time that we realise a date is but just a date with no other intentions. Its something common and that there is simplynothing wrong with a one on one. You get some , you lose some, whats the harm in letting whats inside you be known? Noone says its e ending of a friendship when its the ending of a courtship. its just a common misconception. A stigma. Have some guts people. Igt takes alot ot admit you like that someone. But be ready to admit it to yourself first. To my dear readers, this post was for some of you. Ihope that as you are erading it now, you understadn what i am trying to say.

6/02/2005 07:00:00 PM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
