

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A series of misfortunate events

I should have caught that movie. What a way to start my day. Yes once again , I’m going on an ego blast to talk about my splendid morning which was followed by a series of misfortunate events indeed. I would use fucked up to describe it but it wasn’t like fucking bad. But it was quite bad. Lets start with last night shall we? I played the worst tennis of my life last night, strained myself was friggin hungry only to come home and eat a piece of bread which made me pissed but never mind that was brightened up with a conversation with my girlfriend, ok that wasn’t too bad. The morning I woke up, I realized I wasn’t meeting my girlfriend to school today and for some apparent reason I got super laidback and super nonchalant. My eyes were stinging me and I couldn’t get my lenses in. My hair was a mess and I was one hungry man with a tired tired body.

I left the house at 730 only to not be able to squeeze into the bus despite being one of the first people there. Yeap, all the smart fuckers cut in from the sides. GENIUS I say. I walked with my heavy bag and tired legs to the station and of course managed to board the train(not that unlucky), For some reason though, the train would remain stationary, stagnant for as long as two minutes and that happened like what, 4, 5 times? My girlfriend did call to talk to me and that made my day a lot better but the tunnel really spoilt things. But still, I was hungry, angry and tired. Not to mention, I had a test to do of which I prepared for and studied for with ease. I reached the station at 820 and went to draw my cash then the bloody machine only disposed 50 bucks so heck, I took it. I walked up to the entrance and tried to hail a cab of which 4 people were in front of me. I waited and waited and finally my turn.

There’s this girl that approached me though, one that I thought wasn’t so nice but was quite nice after all. But before that, there was this group of people from my school who saw I was hailing a cab, hailed before I did at which the cab stopped in between us. They looked at me and smiled as if, they were all ministers and presidents. But yet, for some stupid reason, I let them take the cab and not even a thank you was mentioned. Ok, dumb for being kind, cause that’s being cruel to yourself. Anyway, after which the girl , whose name I didn’t ask for, and I took e cab after like a long wait of 15 minutes. I reached school at 0852, of which I was told that I couldn’t take the test. So yeah , that’s my morning so far. Stay tuned yeah? I sense a further bad day coming ahead. Hopefully, God doesn’t take the day off today and actually help me out. I’m still hungry and tired and angry. So if you may, be nice on the tag boards. Tell me bout ur worst mornings perhaps? Cause mine was a blast. Ciao

1/25/2006 09:44:00 AM

How is it we are able to define what it is best for our solitary lives? When is it appropriate that we allow people to control what we believe and what we think? And in that case, if we do allow people to decide, then who are we trying to be? With that being said, who are we actually?

We spend our lives, 24/7 going to school. Hitting the courts or going to work or even just slogging in bed but what is it exactly we are intent on doing? There seems to be no real root to explaining why we do certain things or why certain things happen, we just do it, either cause we like it or we have no choice. That shit process that we go through everyday which sometimes drives people fucking berserk has a familiar name and its called life. And often, there’s a phrase that comes with it. Shit happens. And yes , indeed, often in times of our life everyday, we come across times where our lives, well, really, like shit. What is it you aim to achieve at the end of every day and why?

The alternative to living the way everyone lives life is to die. You know what they say, the fittest survive and isn’t that so damn true. Its no wonder that every once in a while you stop to think what it is ur doing and why ur doing it, most of the time as we recollect, we actually realize that the things we do at times just don’t make sense but do we have a choice? Or rather, can we do anything about it? It’s so apt to call life as it is. Life is Jive. It is insincere, and deep with no real depth in its meaning. Why are you going to school? What do you wanna do? Why do you hit the courts? Why that sport? Whose making your decisions in life do you even know? Its just a thought. Right, tell me all your thoughts on God, tell me all your thoughts on life for comments are just always that rife. Maybe once in a while, it doesn’t feel so shitty when you figure that most things you do are not decided by you and you cant even answer why. Everyone’s the same. Don’t fret

1/25/2006 09:30:00 AM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
