

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The offside position is determined if a player is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball, and the second to last player, which usually refers to if the player is in front of every opposing player except the goalkeeper. If that happens any player that scores at that point in time is ruled as offside, any player interfering with that play even though he does not touch the ball is also ruled offside and hence, the goal does not stand.

Thomas Monsoon once wrote, "In the private sanctuary of one's own conscience lies that spirit, that determination to cast off the old person and to measure up to the stature of true potential."

We are determined by incident and incident illustrates character. It is often that we think that it is all over only to find hope in something new and discontinue what we were doing but some of us fail to find strength in the original intentions of their activity. We all fall into offside positions, ruled as such all the time even though it may not be the case. We fret, we complain we get angry but that doesn change things, does it?

In football, generally speaking in the eyes of any player to be ruled offside when a goal is scored simply means whatever you do jus doesnt count. Some say its robbery because people make mistakes. Some people say its justification of life because it isn always fair. Some argue that it hurts because you give something to someone only to take it away. That was my persepctive a few hours ago. Now, i say this, i say that its a drive to score again and again and again until it counts. Efforts are not drained, they are accumulated until they satisfy the brim. it is not measured by how hard we try but how many times we try. ALl of us have been ruled offside far too many times but some just arent game anough to continue.

Because we choose to become a stranger to fate, we become a prisoner to sorrow. Offsides are ruled by people but goals that count can only be ruled by you.


3/08/2006 02:17:00 AM


Abraham Lincoln wrote, " I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live the best life that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right and part from him when he goes wrong."

We choose our decisions and we make the best out of what we have. We choose whats right and we shun away from whats wrong. Some people live with doubt in their hearts, some regret not tolerating, while some, just are too afraid to accept. Selfishness is not a right or a curse, it is in fact a gift because with selfishness comes a friend and foe, compromise. We cannot afford to stick with what we believe all the way. Compromise bends us to ways that we never dare walk because we are unfamiliar. But in doing so, that risk is justified.

Selfishness stands in the way of many we all have it just a different extent of its limit. If you ask me, i have learnt that in life you do things you dont like and sometimes you do things that you must do. But it is also at times you make sacrifice to make things better on the outside although it'll hurt for a while on the inside. Half of the Millions and billions of people are out there fearing to do what they ought to , the other half make do and do what they need to.

It is not about what you like to do, it is about what you need to do. You make your life. Again as Abraham Lincoln wrote, it is not the years in our life but the life in our years. One day, we all come home. everyone will. We have regrets, but some of us still have time to erase them. Some of us, just refuse to face them. But i say give me regret, if i can keep the good memories.

Its hard to make decisions that are against you. Its hard compromising to a state that you are unfamiliar with for the thingsd you love. Yet, its an even tougher road having to do both. But i learn that when you learn to give things up, you reap a greater return. They say the road is always bitter, but the destination is always sweet.


3/08/2006 02:01:00 AM

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Now the oscar awards were a blast. The guys were great, the ladies were stunning and the awards,apt. But yet, something sparked me about all the works of the directors. They spoke for society. They spoke for appeasement. I'll hit Munich and Transamerica tonight. Well simply because, i have watched these two films.

Munich is a fight between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The Black September , the Munich Massacre and the Israeli response of the Mossad team sent to kill those that were involved in the operation then. So the movie starts off with the palestinians barging into West Germany and killing these athletes from the israeli athletic team in hope of getting their fellow palestinains freed. Anyway, it was a poor attempt and a moajority died. It then moves on to show the formation of the mossad team and their killing operations one by one, their escapes, some deaths of their team and their reason for such passion with the help of flashbacks of the munich massacre when the israelis were killed.

What we didn't know is that in the event of this, in real life then , was that the Mossad team had killed an innocent civilian, a waiter they had mistaken for one of those responsible for the munich massacre then. In anyway, it seemed as if the whole movie leaned towards the jews as victims as they were always known to the world. But noone is born a bad egg the palestinians behave the way they are for a reason. In themovie , there are segments of maturity in the palestinians and righteousness yet also naivety but yet admirable patriotism to the two sides. The movie ends with both countries displaying their affectionfor their nation and how they will stop at nothing to get what they deserve, a land they can call their own with no prejudice or judgement. It shows that the world is real and that if you fuck people, then ditto. Its dog eat dog.

Steven Spielberg has done this film not in an aim to show what was Munich. Steven Spielberg is handing in a prayer for peace but yet we all know that there is no prayer for peace, no appeasement for war nor is there end to greed. This film has depicte dmany aspects of our lives because we choose to see things from our side. Is that human nature or is that nurture? Movies are a guideline its application thats essential. Munich is a film that asks for peace with no judgment. Peace comes with compromise and a determination to believe that there is good to the bad that we all think it is. Full marks for intentions, none for realism.

Transamerica, a film of the transexuals. This gives a full describe of the haggards of our society, their perception and their ability to judge thats somehow unfair but yet so much of a sentence. this film talks of a man that undergoes operations to become a woman. As he is incomplete(transexual), he gets a call from the prison that his son is in jail , This son is illegitimate and came about in his years when he had a fling while he was a complete man. the movie goes on with the strength of a person that is determined to become a woman but yet afraid to admit to many. It shows how the son is in acceptance of her only for her to realsie that her son is actually an aspirer to be a gay pornstar.

These two troles in our society have been built by a firewall crossed upon by the people that believe in equality and created by those that see what they like and insult what they dont like. It requests acceptance and understanding. It explains that no life is hard if we have strength.

Noones life is too hard to an extent that we have to end it. The end is always sweet. Full marks for intention, full marks for realism on part of their lives and how their classified buy immature judgement in our society.

Rhapsody astray signs off with three new posts.

3/07/2006 01:20:00 AM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
