

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Its amazing how much a person can do for you. Its been happening since 4.30pm today and im glad its all over.With especial emphasis that this blog would not be possible without my girlfriend, insomnia brings to you a new look. ( i love you baby)


I think that when you actually sit down and think about how your days are going ta be, or your week or worst, your life, chances are you're scared stiff. Cause what stares back at that vision of yours is blank. You haven a clue. Its funny how some of us spend our lives making sense of how other people's lives work, why they do what they do, mocking what they do or to assume of them whats not. Its funny how some spend their lives just looking at themselves with no consideration to whats ahead at all. The details in life that we miss are immaculate. The irony between us being out for most of our lives and my statement is also yet no where near being vague.

Yes we judge almost without caution or instruction as if it was natural. But it is mans folly to deem it as such. To err is human, i disagree. To err with negligence, that is human. The reason is no stigma. We try too hard to be someone we're not but bear in mind yall, you aint here to please nobody. I don't care what you might think about me, it might affect me but can i change that? only through time but thats not my objective is it. It aint my obligation to lick ur ass or make ya smile, Thats your own obligation.

The beauty of solitude is obscure yet known to be deprived. But whose to say what it stands for? My obscurity towards solitude lies in the question of how much we actually make use of its individualistic mold. Life is often what we make of it. And it is the under privilleged that see more of the world than we do. Because they treasure the things that dont matter to any of us. They gain more insight in to a beauty that we may never be able to explore at all.

By the time we realise it, time has caught up with the vulnerable mind frame man has that we are much older than we think which is most of the time , not true. Our eyes are one of the most complicated parts that one could ever possess, why not work with the brain so we may think, cherish and live life to its fullest? James dean once wrote "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." Forget the fact he died young, Remember the fact he lived a life people could talk about not because of what he said of others but what he did for himself. The moment you sit down, you're going to find out you've spent your years taking whats not yours, saying whats not yours to say. You're going to find out you've been living. Living to please the whole fucking world.


5/30/2006 11:51:00 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So kudos to all of ya that still read this blogspot, its me again after like what, 5 mins? I jus looked beside me and i must say my girlfriend is my remedy. I think im solely involved with her. Like, i feel so high school. Ive got a test to mug for. So, like, bye.

(p.s. Yes, this was for my girlfriend. Like, i love her and stuff.)

Oh wait,

(p.s. And msn or whoever the hell has a problem with my relationship, i reckon she loves me too. You dont think so? Why dont you tag it right back in the pea brain of yours cos it aint comin out here. No sir. )

hah yes, what a night. Like i said, test. I got a test. Gonna study for it with my girlfriend now so , like, thanks for reading.

5/23/2006 01:18:00 AM


I'm sitting on bed, rightbeside my girlfriend who is also blogging at this very minute, which in turn for some reason jus gave me the psyche to blog . ABout what i dont know, i haven't a clue so the following may or may not make sense but go with the flow yea? Who knows, it might turn out good.

It is really unjust to say how much you deserve a certain something? because, life, as it is, really never works out the way you want it to? And because there are so many of us, its hard to say whose right and whose wrong, whats fair and whats not. I guess when it comes down to earning whats yours, you just relaly have to work hard for it and when you get it dont worry about proving a point about how you got it , the fact of the matter is this. You got it. And even when like, certain people doubt you, you have your believers, somewhere, out there. I think. But hey whose to say one needs believers to get on with life?

Which brings us right down down down to judgement. Because we all feel right and others feel otherwise we simply dont agree it really is a vicious cycle cos it aint gonna fucking end. People will tell ya what the hell it is they want but wont ask you if ur ok with that? Everyone dont seem to own some sorta reflection or a mirror though they have in fact magnifying glasses to judge you at every time of your life. Judegmental, the whole world is just so critical of your every action so the best is to start out low and end up high. Cos when ur low and down, noones below you you read? You start up high ur gonna have one hell of a ride with people trying to put you down. Thats not sad, not tragic at all people, its just life. You live with that.

I mean, we're all liable to screw up but really all it takes is once. You do a million good things but you kill a puppy even if its by accident, you know you dead. The whole world gonna label you and negate you . Period. They wont remember you walked that old lady off the bus, they sure aint gonna remember you for being a lively player/captain whatever. Cause there are some people, that just wanna bust your ass.

Which really brings up back up to ourselves now doesnt it? your temperament cause its like a bag of beans, its light by nature but you spill it, its gonna be messed up like crazy and God knows just how long you take to fix that one up. It aint no game, neither is it a test of character, thats bullshit. Its just how much you wanna take. You game, ya take all the shit they throw at ya, ur not, you jus give ur ass up and surrender everything that cant be yours no more.

What are we here for? To live life to the fullest? i say ur here cos ur here, no reason. Maybe ur jus unlucky cos someones in heaven, thats for sure. But dont get me wrong, i love the guy, God himself. He aint got nothing to do with how im feeling. But wait, this isn't about me. Folks , you get what im reading to you? Its about life. That you should really jus plan your moves, do em right and dont let noone take anything away from you.

I mean, come on people, nothing ends. Troubles are meant to come your way. Its like bleeding. You wipe it, it goes away, its clean for a while but then it starts bleeding again. Reality check ladies and gentleman. NOthing goes your way, unless ur some big fat low confidence ugly piece of nothing, thenmaybe someone up there takes pity on ya, if not, you make things your way.

The life is yours man. Dont let someone else live it or make it go haywire if not, then ur really pathetic. And for those that remain judgemental all e time, your a bunch of lucky freaks. And please, for Christ sake, remember lifes important lesson, use ur brain man. God gave it to you for a reason. Go figure my drift.

What a post. What a post. Im in awe of my own inabilities.

5/23/2006 12:43:00 AM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
