

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I sleep earlier as the nights go by
I wake earlier as my eyes go dry
I see you when my eyes awake
I see you when my eyes forsake

Tell me when this pain will end
Before i get to see you again
To touch you
To feel you
To have you again
Tell me when this pain will end

It does not matter
Now i see
for loving thee
needs no silver platter
I love you then
I love you now
That cant change
no matter how.

3/28/2007 10:40:00 AM

There was once a man that had the love of his life but he let it slip away.

There was then a man that had the love of his life but let it take the test of time.
She slipped away.

There is now a man that has the love of his life slipping away.

This man who now feels a foolish boy will though, love her, nonetheless.

I am that foolish boy.

3/28/2007 10:26:00 AM

Monday, March 26, 2007

I've been expressed sometimes as someone deep; someone too deep that thinks too much. There are times when people express me as someone emotional' someone to emotional. I reckon that maybe half of you are right. Because most of these impressions are based on the writings i have here when in fact i realize i have not written with enough thought at all. Some people call me Joe, some people call me Ryan though sometimes i dont even know which one i prefer. Maybe its Bash i like. Yeah it is. Im a media student with aspirations to be a writer yet i have written nothing to suggest such prowess or interest. I never thought to be one that is mushy. I still dont. Im a romantic and i say carpe diem. Even if i sound stupid to all of you nice ladies and gentlemen, at least i say whats in my heart. We all yearn a certain acceptance but that does not need conformity.

Robert Frost said, "Two roads diverged in the wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. I have spent my days since my return helping the needy children at youth risk outfits. I have ironically become something i once thought was excrement. Im a social worker now; a voluntary worker that helps people that need help. But this is no action to impress because i can assure you that the man i was would have done this to impress. The man i am feels carpe diem.

Im not a very smart man. But i do know what love is. As an officially self declared romantic, i say its never been more clear to me. Our lives are a play and it is till now that this powerful play is ongoing and all it asks, is for us to contribute a verse; a verse to form a stanza. A stanza to form a poetry for there is a poet in all of us. There is rhythm in all of us. We aspire to the vaious walks of life as doctors, policeman biotechinicans or even cleaners. These are wants and necessities. But the essence of love and family, prose and poetry, this is what we live for. We dont read or write em because it is cute as John Keating quotes.

I have come to realize that there are men that have spent their lives deep in thought, but none in expression. Let us not be men in quiet desperation. Say what you feel and practise what you preach and live life for its every moment because it will not pass us by again. I wish not to come to die and realized i had never lived. Carpe Diem.

It is here that i return to you the gift of love. Our story shares no similarity with the common tales. My love extends beyond the laws of science or the rules of life for it is without logic. It cannot be defied nor challenged. It is not with mind, for thy love for you is all nothing but heart. Worry not that you cannot express for it is me that wishes to express. Worry not of how you feel for me for i feel for you.

I have neither the riches of cars nor the gifts of lavish
I have no past and the past has no me
I have not money, i have not fame.
I promise you, nothing near a guaranteed life of such

But i promise you me, for now and tomorrow till the end of days.
Words are your diamonds, i am your wedding.
For you i can.
For you i will.

I could love you forever
I could kiss you forever
Your touch and smile,
My love,
I would hold you forever.

3/26/2007 03:31:00 AM

Friday, March 23, 2007

Have you ever wondered if you make the moments in your life; or whether the moments make you. All of us, continue to choose to believe that the world has something hidden, it has something that we do not know of but the more i take a look at this world, the more i suspect that the world somehow knew, that we were coming.

If there was one thing in your life that you could change, would you change it? And if you did, would it definitely make your life better? we go through a series of what ifs and what nots but its gratitude that life is not made up of these subjunctives, or we all might just be sitting ducks in a corner. This phase is not something we live through. It is a phase that we are creating. It takes alot for one person to know what he or she wants to do so it takes a greater effort for two and three and so on. Sometimes, people dance around the wonders of money and live their life, all the way through which till now seems to have no basis of wrong or right in it.

I never thought i could write. Noone told me before. I never knew i could play or perform. but maybe its not that i never knew, maybe its just that, i never thought. There are far too many things we have seen or we have come to even know to suggest how our life should or should not be; whether its good or bad, sucky or the worst. Take this with you though, that from a basis of allowing yourself to shine, you liberate others and allow them to shine. We are all meant to shine, like children do.

" People see things as they are, and ask why. I dream things as they never were, and ask
why not."

Robert Bobby Kennedy

3/23/2007 02:38:00 AM

Monday, March 19, 2007

It is often a wonder how sometimes we are troubled and choose to be left out in a corner as though no way out could be found. It is often a wonder how sometimes we seem to be able to judge somebody and not look at ourselves or look past the fact that whatever happened, has happened. What amazes me most, is how sometimes, we can resort to suicide thinking our life cannot be any worst. It is at that point in life, when we deduce that our lives are the worst, are we really losers.

We live our life, day after day, trying to edge closer to a certain motive, to a certain goal and to me thats fine. But what then? What happens after that? I look back on my life and i think i'v emade more mistakes than most of you readers out there. I've made quite a few and i cant say they were accidental cause most of them were dumb. Its not what happens that makes you, its what happens after. Theres nothing that can ever ever be too late. I've lost family, my mother in particular whcih killed a certain part of my life but thats certainly no excuse. Even so, the moment when you think you rlife sucks because you are poor, or because you failed your grades or you think you are ugly for the matter, think out for the fact that someone out there doesn even have family. What have we done for this world remains unseen and i dare to say that.

What have you done for this world? Because what we do for ourselves, leaves with us. What we do for others, lives with the world and remains forever immortal. Im not saying this is your goal. Im saying that your life is no worst than any other being out there. The man up there works in mysterious and not so mysterious ways and when trouble gets stuck right in your face dont think its too late. Its not. We have no explanation for the fragility of life but what we have is its remedy to accept. I'm 19 and i've done nothing. yet. But whose to say its too late?

You stand up and you fall down. Over and over and over again. But theres something in all of us that nobody can touch. And thats hope. we aint losers no more. Just get up and go again.

3/19/2007 06:43:00 PM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
