

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Implications of Mr Ramble and Repeat.

I like to write and hence i try my best to do my best writing even if people think it might not be the best that they have read or be among the best they rank as the best.

But now I cant write because the ideas are not arriving and they are taking a long time to arrive so maybe their bus has not arrived fast enough for my ideas to arrive in my head that is currently waiting for them to arrive.

So maybe i'll put up a notice for them to start arriving so that my brain will notice they have arrived fast enough for me to start writing my book, which has noticed that it is still pretty empty because my brain hasn't noticed the ideas so maybe the notice will help the ideas to notice that i put up a notice for them to start arriving.

I ramble a lot and I repeat a lot. I wander. I wonder. And i also blunder from time to time. 

Especially when i cant write. And right now, i can't write. 

7/17/2008 09:24:00 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

" Give me a sane man and i will cure him. "

And as the rain came pouring down, you'd start to think that maybe. Just maybe it was gonna be his day. Barely a minute into the game, and the heavens decided to turn on the water mains. But it was good for the young man, he felt tireless, infinite, like he was before. That lasted for exactly 8 minutes before he tired out. He'd get the ball try a thing or two, lose the ball and not run for it no more. He'd look up from time to time, but find his possession stolen. He would run when it was not necessarily called for, and not run fast enough when the time was more than important. This was him now as he felt the weight each time he ran, and each time his boots trudged the muds and grass, each time he fell to the ground. Each time he stopped. His teammates would make that clear. Telling him he ran too slow, that he got fat, round, That he should have passed instead of trying to run the play. And for 5 whole seconds, he wanted to give up because trust me in that rain, he would just lay in the mud and sleep it away, hoping he'd wake up the next day and remember nothing about yesterday. Because for some reason, we were always safer in tomorrow. In the midst of the game, with the showers constantly falling upon him, his teammates were a blur. Their shouts were a blur. His game was a blur. His identity as a player? Very much uncertain.  First half drew to a close with him playing possibly, the worst game of his life. 

Wait for a silver lining his father would say. 

The second half kicked off and once again he felt adrenaline. He felt energy. He felt the need to win. Probably he never believed in it, probably he never believed in himself but all of that did not seem to matter now. He was beginning to run, to think, to be more composed. A pass to his foot was cushioned nicely as he looked set to take on the left back. With a push of the ball to the left back's left, he ran to his right, overtaking him before putting a decent cross in the box. A play enough to be noticed. And so, that was one. 

Ten minutes on and once again, down the flank he went against the left back. Between his legs the ball went as he again went pass the defender before being taken down by the pork chop. That was two. And then. That was all.

Perhaps to many, there were other highlights. Perhaps there was none of this player, but there was progress. To him, he remembered just these two. Because they provided a memory, a rejuvenation for the player he was, maybe even the person he was. Persevering and just fuckin crazy.

I don't believe in a second place, or that a good loss is a good win. Maybe failure is a progress to success, but second place is never a consolation. And anybody that says winning isn't important, hasn't won. If it's not important, why keep score. If it's not important, why have league tables, statistics accolades? Winning is not a sometime thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them sweet and right all the fuckin time. I would have slid every ball, run down every man and chase down any winger if i could. And so maybe i cant. But it's not impossible sunny boy. Dream big. Dream bold and one day, just one day. Maybe. You will be as you dream. Fuckin great. Perhaps winning isn't everything, but the will to win is the fuckin world. Every ball that crosses the line, every 50 shot rally, every ball in the basket and every ball in the hole is a confirmation; That you can.
So you can tell me im crazy and that it's impossible. But i say, live your life crazy. As crazy as it can get, and love every second of it. 

one day, i'll run. 
and run. 
And you know what's sweet? It's gonna be the day the people say, 
"This guys crazy. He's all over the field."

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It is a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

- Adidas Motto

For those that are there, climb higher.
For those that think you already are great. You're not greater than i am. 
Watch out boys, someone's coming back to town.

7/16/2008 12:56:00 AM


"I think. That God thinks? That he's funny."


Yi En
Ben C
